Friday, August 14, 2015

Poor guy was rejected by a rich man's daughter. 10 years later they met up again..

I've read this story several times years back but it is still one of the best stories and also one of my inspirational stories that i have kept within me all these while. I can say it also guided me to where i am now. Well, as for me, not on relationships but on those who were around and looked down on me that time, socially and professionally...just that, i kept a poker smiling face...but now, i have the last laugh.
      Hence, sharing what i felt was good is also caring for others who aren't aware. 
      So, hope this inspires you guys as it did for me.
"A poor boy was in love with a rich man’s daughter.

Overcome with his love for the girl, the boy proposed to her. However, the rich girl derisively rejected him and said, “Your monthly salary is equivalent to my daily expenses. How do you expect me to marry someone like you? I can never love you so forget about me. Go find and marry someone else of your level.”

Despite being rejected so hurtfully, for some reason, the boy could not forget her so easily. Roughly 10 years later, they ran into each other accidentally in a shopping mall. She immediately recognized the man and said, “Hey, how are you? I’m now married to a very smart man, and his salary is $15,700 per month! Can you beat that?”

The man, hearing those painful words from the woman he used to care for, held back his tears and said nothing.

Not a few moments passed when the woman’s husband came back to her side. But before the lady could say a word, her husband immediately recognized the man she was talking to and said, “Sir? G-good afternoon! I see you’ve met my wife!”

“Good afternoon too, Mr…?”, said the man.

“Mr. Carter, Sir!”

The husband then turned to his wife and said, “Dear, I’d like you to meet my boss. He owns the $100 million project I’ve been working on!”

The woman, left flabbergasted by the turn of events, was not able to say anything back.

The man just smiled and said, “Well, Mr. Carter. I’ve got to get going. I have important things to attend to. It was splendid seeing you today. Have a great day!”

For a minute, the couple just stared at the man as he walked away.

Having been over her initial shock, the woman asked her husband in disbelief, “That was your boss?”

“Yes, dear. He’s a very humble person but his life is quite a sad story. They said he once loved a lady but she dumped him because he was just a poor boy back then. Because of that, he worked really hard. And because he’s smart, he became successful. Now he’s a multimillionaire who earns millions of dollars a month. Unfortunately though, he couldn’t move on from that heartbreak and remains unmarried still.”

The husband went on and said, “How lucky would that lady have been if she had married that man?”

The lady looked in total shock and couldn’t utter a word."

Morals of the story:

Life is short. Furthermore, it is just like a mirror – you can only see as much as it reflects. So don’t be too arrogant or proud by looking down on others because of their current situations. Things and circumstances can change with time."

Monday, May 18, 2015

Woman Realizes That She’s Been Accidentally Abusing Her Husband ThisWhole Time.

I stumbled upon this very super good article about a woman who treated her husband like an employee where the woman acts like the "boss". Definitely worth the time.

 My "Aha Moment" happened because of a package of hamburger meat. I asked my husband to stop by the store to pick up a few things for dinner, and when he got home, he plopped the bag on the counter. I started pulling things out of the bag, and realized he'd gotten the 70/30 hamburger meat - which means it's 70% lean and 30% fat.
I asked, "What's this?"

"Hamburger meat," he replied, slightly confused.

"You didn't get the right kind," I said.

"I didn't?" He replied with his brow furrowed. " Was there some other brand you wanted or something?"

"No. You're missing the point, " I said. "You got the 70/30. I always get at least the 80/20."

He laughed. "Oh. That's all? I thought I'd really messed up or something."

That's how it started. I launched into him. I berated him for not being smarter. Why would he not get the more healthy option? Did he even read the labels? Why can't I trust him? Do I need to spell out every little thing for him in minute detail so he gets it right? Also, and the thing I was probably most offended by, why wasn't he more observant? How could he not have noticed over the years what I always get? Does he not pay attention to anything I do?

As he sat there, bearing the brunt of my righteous indignation and muttering responses like, "I never noticed," "I really don't think it's that big of a deal," and "I'll get it right next time," I saw his face gradually take on an expression that I'd seen on him a lot in recent years. It was a combination of resignation and demoralization. He looked eerily like our son does when he gets chastised. That's when it hit me. "Why am I doing this? I'm not his mom."

I suddenly felt terrible. And embarrassed for myself. He was right. It really wasn't anything to get bent out of shape over. And there I was doing just that. Over a silly package of hamburger meat that he dutifully picked up from the grocery store just like I asked. If I had specific requirements, I should have been clearer. I didn't know how to gracefully extract myself from the conversation without coming across like I have some kind of split personality, so I just mumbled something like, "Yeah. I guess we'll make do with this. I'm going to start dinner."

He seemed relieved it was over and he left the kitchen.

And then I sat there and thought long and hard about what I'd just done. And what I'd been doing to him for years, probably. The "hamburger meat moment," as I've come to call it, certainly wasn't the first time I scolded him for not doing something the way I thought it should be done. He was always putting something away in the wrong place. Or leaving something out. Or neglecting to do something altogether. And I was always right there to point it out to him.

Why do I do that? How does it benefit me to constantly belittle my husband? The man that I've taken as my partner in life. The father of my children. The guy I want to have by my side as I grow old. Why do I do what women are so often accused of, and try to change the way he does every little thing? Do I feel like I'm accomplishing something? Clearly not if I feel I have to keep doing it. Why do I think it's reasonable to expect him to remember everything I want and do it just that way? The instances in which he does something differently, does it mean he's wrong? When did "my way" become "the only way?" When did it become okay to constantly correct him and lecture him and point out every little thing I didn't like as if he were making some kind of mistake?

And how does it benefit him? Does it make him think, "Wow! I'm sure glad she was there to set me straight?" I highly doubt it. He probably feels like I'm harping on him for no reason whatsoever. And it I'm pretty sure it makes him think his best approach in regards to me is to either stop doing things around the house, or avoid me altogether.

Two cases in point. #1. I recently found a shard of glass on the kitchen floor. I asked him what happened. He said he broke a glass the night before. When I asked why he didn't tell me, he said, "I just cleaned it up and threw it away because I didn't want you to have a conniption fit over it." #2. I was taking out the trash and found a pair of blue tube socks in the bin outside. I asked him what happened and why he'd thrown them away. He said, "They accidentally got in the wash with my jeans. Every time I put in laundry, you feel the need to remind me not to mix colors and whites. I didn't want you to see them and reinforce your obvious belief that I don't know how to wash clothes after 35 years."

So it got to the point where he felt it was a better idea — or just plain easier — to cover things up than admit he made a human error. What kind of environment have I created where he feels he's not allowed to make mistakes?

And let's look at these "offenses": A broken glass. A pair of blue tube socks. Both common mistakes that anyone could have made. But he was right. Regarding the glass, I not only pointed out his clumsiness for breaking it, but also due to the shard I found, his sad attempt at cleaning it up. As for the socks, even though he'd clearly stated it was an accident, I gave him a verbal lesson about making sure he pays more attention when he's sorting clothes. Whenever any issues like this arise, he'll sit there and take it for a little bit, but always responds in the end with something like, "I guess it just doesn't matter that much to me."

I know now that what he means is, "this thing that has you so upset is a small detail, or a matter of opinion, or a preference, and I don't see why you're making it such a big deal." But from my end I came to interpret it over time that he didn't care about my happiness or trying to do things the way I think they should be done. I came to view it like "this guy just doesn't get it." I am clearly the brains of this operation.

I started thinking about what I'd observed with my friends' relationships, and things my girlfriends would complain about regarding their husbands, and I realized that I wasn't alone. Somehow, too many women have fallen into the belief that Wife Always Knows Best. There's even a phrase to reinforce it: "Happy wife, happy life." That doesn't leave a lot of room for his opinions, does it?

It's an easy stereotype to buy into. Look at the media. Movies, TV, advertisements - they're all filled with images of hapless husbands and clever wives. He can't cook. He can't take care of the kids. If you send him out to get three things, he'll come back with two — and they'll both be wrong. We see it again and again.

What this constant nagging and harping does is send a message to our husbands that says "we don't respect you. We don't think you're smart enough to do things right. We expect you to mess up. And when you do, you'll be called out on it swiftly and without reservation." Given this kind of negative reinforcement over time, he feels like nothing he can do is right (in your eyes). If he's confident with himself and who he is, he'll come to resent you. If he's at all unsure about himself, he'll start to believe you, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Neither one is a desirable, beneficial outcome to you, him or the marriage.

Did my husband do the same to me? Just as I'm sure there are untold numbers of women who don't ever do this kind of thing to their husbands, I'm sure there are men who do it to their wives too. But I don't think of it as a typical male characteristic. As I sat and thought about it, I realized my husband didn't display the same behavior toward me. I even thought about some of the times I really did make mistakes. The time I backed into the gate and scratched the car? He never said a word about it. The time I was making dinner, got distracted by a call from my mom, and burned it to cinders? He just said, "We can just order a pizza." The time I tried to put the new patio furniture together and left his good tools out in the rain? "Accidents happen," was his only response.

I shuddered to think what I would have said had the shoe been on the other foot and he'd made those mistakes.

So is he just a better person than me? Why doesn't he bite my head off when I don't do things the way he likes? I'd be a fool to think it doesn't happen. And yet I don't remember him ever calling me out on it. It doesn't seem he's as intent as changing the way I do things. But why?

Maybe I should take what's he always said at face value. The fact that these little things "really don't matter that much to him" is not a sign that he's lazy, or that he's incapable of learning, or that he just doesn't give a damn about what I want. Maybe to him, the small details are not that important in his mind — and justifiably so. They're not the kinds of things to start fights over. They're not the kinds of things he needs to change about me. It certainly doesn't make him dumb or inept. He's just not as concerned with some of the minutia as I am. And it's why he doesn't freak out when he's on the other side of the fence.

The bottom line in all this is that I chose this man as my partner. He's not my servant. He's not my employee. He's not my child. I didn't think he was stupid when I married him - otherwise I wouldn't have. He doesn't need to be reprimanded by me because I don't like the way he does some things.

When I got to that point mentally, it then made me start thinking about all the good things about him. He's intelligent. He's a good person. He's devoted. He's awesome with the kids. And he does always help around the house. (Just not always to my liking!) Even more, not only does he refrain from giving me grief when I make mistakes or do things differently than him, he's always been very agreeable to my way of doing things. And for the most part, if he notices I prefer to do something a certain way, he tries to remember it in the future. Instead of focusing on those wonderful things, I just harped on the negative. And again, I know I'm not alone in this.

If we keep attempting to make our husbands feel small, or foolish, or inept because they occasionally mess up (and I use that term to also mean "do things differently than us"), then eventually they're going to stop trying to do things. Or worse yet, they'll actually come to believe those labels are true.

In my case it's my husband of 12+ years I'm talking about. The same man who thanklessly changed my car tire in the rain. The guy who taught our kids to ride bikes. The person who stayed with me at the hospital all night when my mom was sick. The man who has always worked hard to make a decent living and support his family.

He knows how to change the oil in the car. He can re-install my computer's operating system. He lifts things for me that are too heavy and opens stuck jar lids. He shovels the sidewalk. He can put up a ceiling fan. He fixes the toilet when it won't stop running. I can't (or don't) do any of those things. And yet I give him grief about a dish out of place. He's a good man who does a lot for me, and doesn't deserve to be harassed over little things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things.

Since my revelation, I try to catch myself when I start to nag. I'm not always 100% consistent, but I know I've gotten a lot better. And I've seen that one little change make a big improvement in our relationship. Things seem more relaxed. We seem to be getting along better. It think we're both starting to see each other more as trusted partners, not adversarial opponents at odds with each other in our day-to-day existence. I've even come to accept that sometimes his way of doing things may be better!

It takes two to make a partnership. No one is always right and no one is always wrong. And you're not always going to see eye-to-eye on every little thing. It doesn't make you smarter, or superior, or more right to point out every little thing he does that's not to your liking. Ladies, remember, it's just hamburger meat.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Hey A**HOLE!

Assh*les: We’ve all got them, but only some of us can be them.

Assh*le — that’s a word you don’t hear people use to describe themselves every day. My mother would cringe hearing me use it, but there’s no substitute. There are just too many assh*les around these days. They may not be proud of it or happy about it, but that’s how it is.

But what does it mean to be an assh*le? What does it mean when you’re the one chasing everyone away? What does it mean when you’re the one destroying every chance at something good?

Maybe I’m just looking for that perfect relationship —my assh*le counterpart, the beads to my anal. Or maybe I just like being alone, maybe I’m an assh*le because it’s easier this way.

After spending a certain amount of time by yourself, it becomes natural to enjoy being alone. Most assh*les are masters of isolation and deep brooding. But let’s not get all dark and emotional here.

To bring it back, let’s just say that in every dating scenario, there’s always one assh*le and one pussy. The assh*le is the one who is ruining the dream and most definitely “less affected” by the whole thing.

They are the ones who may seem aloof or unresponsive. They don’t tell you what you want to hear or do what you want them to do. They are picky and stubborn and usually have no intention of changing for anyone.

Before you start hating us, just know that most assh*les aren’t born assh*les (except a few, and you know who those people are).

A lot of us become assh*les from years of tear (sorry). It only takes a few bad times and at least one broken heart to turn any good person into a huge assh*le.

Yet, for some reason, assh*les attract good people. They attract people who want to clean them and help them. They attract people who see something in them and want to hold on to that as they try and get to know them.

But assh*les are always going to be assh*les and try as you might to change them, they’re just going to sh*t all over you.

I like to be independent and make my own schedule

All assh*les are defined as being selfish, but in reality, they just like to be on their own. They don’t think asking for alone time is wrong. They had a life before you and they will continue to have that life during and after you.

Texting throughout the day isn’t going to make me love you

It’s going to make me hate you, especially when I’m reaching a deadline. There’s no need to always be talking. I’m thinking about other things and your incessant need to chatter makes me kind of think you’re an assh*le.

If you like me too much, I think there’s something wrong with you

It’s the old Groucho Marx saying, “I wouldn’t want to belong to any club that would have me for a member.” Most assh*les know they’re assh*les, so the idea that you would love them just leads them to believe something is wrong with you.

I don’t like to show emotion all the time

I don’t tell my mother I love her every day, so why would I tell you? Just because we’ve been hanging out doesn’t mean there’s a need for me to get affectionate right away.

My affection is hard to attain, so when you have it, it should mean much more.

I’d rather you chase me than me chase you

Maybe I’m entitled, maybe I’m just lazy. Chasing someone is work and I don’t feel like wasting time that could be spent productively on someone who clearly needs attention. If you need this much attention before we date, what are you going to be like once I catch you?

I’m not going to give you everything right off the bat

I worked hard for everything I have so why would I freely give it out? My time, my affection and my money are not something that are ever idly thrown away.

I have my opinions

I’m not going to say I like something just because you want me to. I will tell you what I like and what I don’t like.

That’s how I get through life and people should respect that. If you don’t like my opinions, you don’t have to stay around and listen to them.

Im not an alcoholic, you suck at drinking

The last thing assh*les want to do is listen to what you don’t like about them. They don’t have a problem, you have the problem.

I refuse to be fake

There’s only room for one assh*le in a relationship (Kim and Kanye are the only exception to this), and if we think you’re acting like one, we’re not going to stick around. There’s already too much sh*t between people as it is.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Expectations, The Bane For A Person's Life?

It's quite a while i wrote anything here but since it is a holiday today, i was compelled to write something as I was having a group chat with some of my friends which I believe is many people's problem these days. Yup, i said it, EXPECTATIONS.

Don't get me wrong, expectations is also good in a way because it drives a person to excel or push a person to achieve something in life. But what if it's an overwhelming expectation? It can come from the person himself/herself or it can also come from other people. Majority of the time, it's expectations from other people and people live on other people's expectations. Be it expectations from friends, family members, colleagues, bosses, loved ones and etc. The most fearful one is living an overwhelming expectation from family members and one's self.

Ever heard of expectations from family members such as from your parents that the child must be this and that, must find a same status person to get married and etc. The list goes a long way for this. Most of the time, being raised up by that parent, the child adopts that thinking that their parents is correct. Yes, that's normal as a child will always look up to their parents. Hence, having these kind of expectations really can detriment a person or a child's life. We hear of so many cases of suicides these days because of the pressure coming from parents, the crazily overwhelming expectations from them. I mean, is that worth it? A number of them survive this crazy pressure of expecation, but many fold and turn to suicide or other ways to remove themselves from the pain.

Nowadays, people want the "top of the cream" stuff (deliberate bolding of the word "stuff"). I mean yes, who doesn't. Putting pressure and expectations to themselves can probably boost them to achieve those stuff. It's good to have a little pressure in life so that one can drive themselves to be better. Now, what's bad here is when a person has overwhelming expectations on other people, especially on the people who loves them such as wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend and etc. Worst is when their loved ones are pushed extremely hard with expectations just because that person who expects wants to show off to their circle of friends or even plainly do not have the patience to wait. Just too many of these cases where one side expects too much and the other just can't deliver. Would anyone feel happy? I bet all my chips on this that nobody will be. It's more of "one-way" business if that happens in any relationship or couple (be it married or not).

Personally and i've also seen it with my very own eyes that when an individual or a couple helps each other out and putting down overwhelming expectations, they achieve more than their wildest dreams. This is very simple and very logical. When there is LOW STRESS in couples, doesn't matter from which side, the more collaboration a couple can build. In a couple, it's like a team. It's no longer an individual game. If one side is just only demanding and taking, the other will soon burn out and fall off. I normally call these demanding and only taking people, LEECHES/PARASITES. Hence, when a couple puts down overwhelming expectations on each other, they know that they have each other's back in every aspect be it moral, energy, time and monetary support. It will be like, if one knows that the partner is having trouble in monetary, then the other partner should at least help up abit on doing some payment on other things instead of putting the entire load to the one that has problems monetarily. I have seen that when one does that for their partner, the partner will be very happy and will work even harder to give more to the partner who helped. Hence, they will strive together and achieve more without feeling stressed. Of course, i'm not talking about TOTAL no stress because that's impossible.

I believe people should put down overwhelming expectations on themselves and also on other people to achieve more and be a happier person/couple. Ultimately, our life in this world is not very long. So why live a stressful life and chase "fools gold" and forgo what you have beautifully in front of you? Embracing and be thankful of what you already have now, will definitely have a better outcome than pressuring people with overwhelming expectations. As the saying goes:

Good things come to those who wait,
Better things come to those who don't give up,
The best things come to those who believe.

Happy Holidays. :)