Thursday, March 27, 2014

7 Types Of Friends You Need To Reject From Your Life

Now, a little off about love relationships and partner finding tips. Let's get to the most common, everyday people we meet or deal with...friends. Yes, there is a funny saying about friends and it goes by; "Friends are like BOOBS, some are BIG. some are SMALL. some are REAL and MOST are FAKE". Well, i won't be talking about the BIG and SMALL ones literally but will be emphasizing the FAKE ones that ought to be eliminated or rejected from anyone's life.

May not be a complete-textbook here but it should give you all a start. Here are the 7 types of friends that i can think off:

1. People who are inconsistent in the way they treat you.

One day, they will treat you like you’re their soul mate and another day they treat you like you are an invisible person and they do not tell you why.

2. People who treat you differently from how they treat their other friends.

When they see you, they greet you without a smile, they aren’t so eager to start a conversation with you, and basically treat you they have no time for you. But when they see their other friends, they become completely different and become the friendliest person ever.

3. People who do not know how to be thankful.

You do something for nice to them and they do not thank you for it. They treat it as if you have done something that you would have obviously done and do not appreciate your generosity.

4. People who do not give back.

People who do not know how to be thankful usually do not give back either. You remember their birthdays and get them gifts, but when it’s your birthday, all you get is “oh it’s your birthday? Happy Birthday.”

5. People who make you feel like you need to impress them.

If you do feel like you need to constantly impress your friends when you hang out with them, they are not your true friends. They are making you feel like you are inferior to them and friends don’t do that.

6. People who only text/call you when they need something from you.

They contact you only when they need help. Their texts don’t even start with “hey! how are you?”; they go straight into asking you for things.

7. People who don’t invite you to their weekend activities.

Whether it is a party, a get-together, or just a dinner, they never invite you and you find out how much fun they had without you by seeing their photos on your Facebook newsfeed

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Several Things High Esteemed People DON'T do...

Having high self-esteem is important. Without it, you’re not likely to ever gain any other esteem in life. The thing about self-esteem is everyone who has a high level acts essentially the same. We all have different hopes, dreams, experiences, and paths, but confidence is universal.

The thing about high esteemed people that they do not let all these negative actions or thoughts be it from other people or themselves hinder them from progressing. As i wrote in my last post about being haunted in your past and making that interfere with your present and future, turning yourself and believing on doing the right things in you will definitely combat negativity down to where it's place is. There is a saying "being good is tough but being bad is easy" which exactly what it is in this world. Hence, pull yourself together, discipline yourself and change your thinking and most likely than not, you'll be seeing things will happen according to what you want. So, here are the things people with high self-esteem avoid:

1. They Don’t Compare Themselves to Others

People with low self-esteem are constantly comparing their situation to others – no matter what you say to them, they’re “going through the exact same thing.” On the other hand, people with high self-esteem show empathy and compassion, but they focus on themselves instead of how others are doing. Be it comparing yourself to your bestie or even your own family members, DON'T DO IT. Each and everyone is unique and special and has their own strength. Harness your strength and not diminish it by comparing yourself to someone else.

2. They’re Not Mean-Spirited

People with low self-esteem bully others. They take pleasure in putting other people down. People with high self-esteem see no need to down other people, choosing instead to encourage and celebrate successes. Bullies and abusers are the ones with the lowest self-esteem and the opposite of high self-esteemed people. They abuse and bully people so that they can get what they want; that is people to be dependent and reliant on them so they can take control. So, these people will always do abusive things such as giving terrible and unhealthy comments, scolding or even physically abusing people. High self esteemed people don't need that as people follow and look up to them willingly as they are always with positive and strong spirited energy all the time.

3. They Don’t Let Imperfection Ruin Their Day

Perfectionism isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but obsessing over making everything perfect is a sign that you have low self-esteem. Those with high self-esteem disconnect from the results and do their best without expecting perfection. If someone gossips about you, calls you terrible names like bitch, asshole, whore..etc, those are signs of people who are with extreme low self-esteem. Probably they are miserable that they have a short and tiny dick and unable to satisfy any women or maybe a body figure that can clog the entire grand canyon and despise others who have a beautiful relationship with their partners. So, never let these low self esteemed people get in your way for they are practically targeting weak people so they can "feel" in control.

4. They Stop Dwelling on Failure

It’s common to hear people with low self-esteem dwelling on all the ways things will go wrong. They’re positive their every failure signals an impossible task. People with high self-esteem discover why they failed and try again. Yes, if it failed last time, leave it there in the past. Learn from it and don't repeat it. Alot of times, failures may not be your fault but could be from your previous partners or external factors. Probably previous partners weren't appreciative or you fell for players/cheaters (wrote about these people in several posts back) who wanted you just for sex but on the other hand you thought that it could work out. So, learn from that, avoid and stop mixing around with people like this could be your first step of getting off the dwelling on failure as highly self-esteemed people always move forward and shape the current future better than what happened in the past.

5. They Avoid Devaluing Their Self-Esteem

People with high self-esteem value their own perception of themselves – they understand that they come first and don’t feel guilty about taking care of themselves. They believe charity starts within, and if they don’t believe that, they’ll never have a healthy self-image.

6. They Don’t Try to Please Anyone

They can’t please all the people all the time, so confident people focus on pleasing themselves – just not within school zones. Doing what makes you happy, regardless of how everyone else feels, is a sign of high self-esteem. Are you trying to impress your peers or try to live to people's expectations so that you can get into their good books? If so, why didn't god made you a robot instead of a human being? Grow a set of balls (for the ladies, it won't be balls but guts) and do what you know is right and good for yourself. Seeing your peers driving a BMW or a Ferrari doesn't mean that they are better than you. For all you know they could be juggling many loans and trying to stay above water with that kind of lifestyle when you are free to do anything because you don't have a BMW to worry about.

7. They Don’t Close Themselves Off

Confident people are always open about themselves. It’s those with low self-esteem that hide all the best parts of themselves behind an emotional wall. Instead of keeping the real you a secret, be open and honest in all your dealings.

8. They’re Not Followers

People with low self-esteem don’t believe they can lead, so they end up following others. Rather than seeking a sense of belonging, people with high self-esteem walk their own paths and leave it to others to follow them.

9. They Don’t Fish for Compliments

If you’re constantly seeking compliments, you’re not confident. People with high self-esteem always do their best (and go out of their way to do good deeds) because it’s what they want to do, not because they’re seeking recognition. If you need to hear compliments, say them to yourself in the mirror.

10. They’re Not Lazy

People work harder when they have high self-esteem because they’re not bogged down by doubts and complaints. Those with low self-esteem end up procrastinating and wasting their energy thinking about all the work they have to do rather than rolling up their sleeves and just getting it done.

11. They Don’t Shy Away from Risks

When you trust yourself, you’ll be willing to participate more in life. People with low self-esteem are always on the sidelines waiting for the perfect moment to jump in. Instead of letting life pass you by, have confidence in your success and take the risks necessary to succeed. Having said that, high self esteemed people always take calculated risk and not blind risk. We live in a world where when we wake up, everything has a risk but in order to make things work, we have to minimize and take calculated risks. Nobody can totally run/avoid risks.

12. They Don’t Gossip

People with low self-esteem are always in other peoples’ business – they’re more interested in what everyone else is doing than themselves. People with high self-esteem are more interested in their own business and stay out of others’ affairs.

Self-esteem is essential to success in life. People who have a high level of self-esteem believe in themselves and push themselves to succeed in every aspect of their lives, be it in business, investment, relationships, family and etc while those with low confidence feel a sense of entitlement. If you need a boost in your self-image, avoid making the mistakes of people with low self-esteem. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Controlled And Haunted By Past Experiences? Try This...

When the nights are long and you can't sleep for all the sadness of a past left unresolved; when you cannot grasp the future squarely, move on and do the right thing for the future; when the past haunts both your waking hours and your dreams... it's likely that you're in the grip of anxiety and inertia. There will always come a point at which you must cease to stay stuck in the past or it will define you and mark every step you take from now on.

This problem can be for any aspect in life. Be it from bad experiences in businesses or investing in the financial markets or even in past relationships. It could be anything. It's undeniable that many pasts can be extremely ugly and scary but allowing it to haunt or control you and your thoughts currently and in future, makes it totally unfair not only for the people you probably are or may be with in current or future state but also to your own goodself. Having said that, it doesn't mean that you totally shove it aside as if nothing happened because in any past, it is a lesson and we as a normal sane human being, learn from mistakes/lessons. If you continue to ignore these life lessons/mistakes, you will never progress currently or in future. As Robert Kiyosaki said, "Your choices decide your fate. Take the time to make the right ones. If you make a mistake, that's fine; learn from it & don't make it again".

Some may say that it's tough to forget the past (normally referred to bad pasts), but hell, our brain isn't a computer that you can just delete everything. Hence, it stays there. But the good news is, there is a way to overcome it and it has worked for me through out my life and maybe it can help those who are stuck in the past and always doubting the present and future:

1) Accept that you cannot change what happened.

But, still remember you CAN change your past. You can't change it physically, but you can change it mentally. It is not possible to rewrite the facts of what you experienced and went through. But it is possible to rewrite the way you perceive it and handle it from now onward. If you don't, your hurt self will carry over this emotional pain into all new experiences and relationships, possibly poisoning them and dooming them to failure without any conscious desire on your behalf. For example; Imagine, just because of numerous bad pasts you become utterly defensive, negative and in a way cold, and at present or in future you meet someone that is truly in love and is giving you his/her 100% or more, but because you let the past haunt you, you treat him/her with that defensive, negative and cold way is utterly unfair to him/her as that current or future person you're with or going to be with is the one true one for you but you destroyed it because you're unable to accept the past and learn from it.

2) Don't believe anything someone said to hurt you

Abusers, from the mildest situational bully like an obnoxious supervisor to a bone-breaking abusive parent or even an ex-boyfreind/girlfriend, do not want you to think well of yourself or question their unjust authority. Basically it's simple. They can't achieve something by themselves or not able to get you to be their relationship partner, the next best thing is to get all other people around him/her to gang up and go against you or even say hurting comments about you just to bring you down to his/her level. Now, if you ALLOW it to sink into you, then you've lost and that person won. Their main objective is to make you feel irritated or frustrated  by all means in hope to bring you down to his/her level. If they say you're too independent, that's because they wanted you to be dependent of their opinion over your own. For example; If they say you're too sensitive, it means you still have the capacity to feel if it's true or enough self respect to reject an insult. If they say you're too cold, it's because you're not gullible enough to fall for their excuses. Compare their insults to the people who loves and care about you on what they say about you. When both groups agree, it's probably true about you but that doesn't always make it bad. You may find that practically all of their insults from the abusers/bullies group are just flat lies. It's common for bullies and abusers to lie to keep people emotionally dependent on their good opinion.

3) Let Go

Acknowledge that you're living in real time carrying the baggage of old time. And then let go of it. Are you playing out a past habit in a current relationship? Does your fear of anger, loss, raised voices, silence etc. now set the tone for how you relate to others? This requires careful consideration to untwist the tendrils of who you really are and what experiences from childhood onward shaped how you react to situations. Most of us feel a deep inner core of who we are at our best. And we are all capable of separating the emotional triggers from the solid core of self if we sit still long enough to tease apart that what triggers our habitual behavior and seek that which is truly what we believe ourselves capable of being.

4) Remove the past from your future

This simply means that you must learn to stop letting past experiences control you. This happens when you have a bad experience and you let it continue. In this case, instead of thinking positively and remembering the means by which you ultimately overcame prior negative challenges, your immediate habitual reaction is to transfer the bad outcomes from that former experience to a current situation, assuming the worse case scenario for your current experience, with full-blown expectations that things will only be bad. And with that comes the habitual reactions, on cue, rather than a series of chosen proactive actions defined by you as the person you are now. Which means here is that if you had bad experiences, and instead of switching your mindset to think positively and progress positively at your current of future times, you will definitely bring over the "bad experiences" thoughts and actions and label or detriment the current or future experiences in full-force. Hence, removing "bad experiences" is a must not only for others, but for your own good self.

5) Create A Positive Future

Combine the knowledge that you cannot change the past with the knowledge that you cannot predict the future but you can make sure that the person you are right now is strong, whole and healthy emotionally, so that any future negative scenarios are something the person you are now can definitely cope with, no matter what gets thrown at you. This is really about taking responsibility for yourself and how you react. Once you have faced the challenges from your past and accept that while you cannot change the past, you can cease to let it be role-played out every time a new challenge arises, you are beginning to remove the fear of more bad things happening as directed by your past experiences. Instead, you now learn to embrace the reality that the future is as yet unwritten and if you want it to be a positive and strong experience, the power lies within you to achieve this.

6) Avoid Making Rash Decisions

While you're going through the healing process to strengthen your ability to deal with the past in a reasoned and distanced manner, keep aware of the triggers that will send you back to past habits. Actively aim to put a hold on habitual reactions and challenge yourself to do things differently, while at the same time accepting why you need to do this. This also means avoiding making decisions in haste that you may regret later. You do care about tomorrow, hence, do not screw it up by making and doing wrong actions based on rash decisions. For example; just because of extremely bad experiences in the past, and you allow it to "haunt" you, you convoluted everything and make a rash decision of the current and future experiences to be the same as the past experiences. That, is seriously a dangerous rash decision one can ever make.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tipping Point

Think back to those times in your life that proved to be pivotal moments in your growth as a person. Maybe it had to do with your finances, or your spirituality, or something you were trying to accomplish or overcome.

How did you learn how to get to where you wanted to be? Where did you learn what you needed to know? Who did you learn from, or was it all trial and error?

Lots of people start down their path toward whatever success means to them, not having any clue as to how tough that road can be. If they did have a clue in the beginning, a good number would say, “No thanks, I’ll stay ‘comfortable’ over here.” It’s almost like telling the universe you don’t want any good luck—those unexpected things that you hear about happening to other people that changes their lives in ways they couldn’t have imagined. Chance favors the prepared and courageous mind—those who are unafraid to take risks.

The outcomes of those risks partly reflect the knowledge that went into those decisions and actions, and that too reflects where that knowledge came from. When it comes down to it, few who have reached extraordinary levels of success in a given area did so because they learned everything they needed to learn on their own. Even the Buddha followed several mentors before moving beyond them to reach Nirvana.

I believe that life is always giving us turning points big and small—opportunities to change how we see things, change how we go about reaching our goals—especially when the way we’ve been going about it isn’t getting us any closer to the objective. It can be something as simple as the friend who casually mentions the name of an author who they think would be of value to you at that time in your life—or it could be the direct advice of a trusted someone when you have an important decision to make.

So take note when a good friend drops an observation about a question or issue you’re considering. There’s that little voice sometimes in the back of our head that might discredit what others see about ourselves or our situations that we’re not seeing.

You might think you don’t need to hear it, but we all know about our own thoughts sometimes, right? They’re not always supportive. Just because you think, “I have this under control—I don’t need to hear anybody else’s perspective” does not make it true. It’s quite often the opposite.

So it’s up to you to choose a perspective of where you are today, not where you were yesterday. You don’t know where you are today until you show up. Come from the present moment, be in the present moment, and then choose to see how you can utilize the guidance that I believe life is giving us all the time. Ask the universe for guidance, and you will receive it. You never know which “today” could provide your life’s next turning point.

Monday, March 17, 2014

15 Powerful Relationship Lessons From Happy And Loving Couples

One of my mottoes is “Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life!” I’m a big believer that our thoughts and emotions shape our experiences. The problem is that most people aren’t even aware of their negative thoughts. It’s almost like they have just become a habit, so it seems normal to them. Here are 12 common toxic thoughts that you need to drop in order to have a better life:

1. Thinking that you are a victim.

You’re not a victim. So stop blaming other people or your circumstances for your problems. Just because you don’t like where you are now doesn’t mean that you can’t take personal responsibility to change it for the better. So get rid of that victim-mentality because it doesn’t help anything. In fact, it acts as an obstacle to success. Realize that you, and only you, are responsible for your destiny.

2. Thinking that you can change other people.

You can’t. I had to learn this the hard way. There was a time in my life when I thought I could “motivate” and “inspire” people to be their best selves. It took me a while to realize that the only thing that can change other people is themselves. If they don’t want to change—or don’t know how—then all of your efforts will be wasted. So don’t worry about other people. If you don’t like them “as is,” then you have the choice to not hang out with them anymore. But you don’t have the right to change them.

3. Thoughts that constantly resist “What Is.”

Some things you can change. In fact, a LOT of things you can change. You can lose weight. You can find a better job. You can go back to school. You can work on your marriage. But there are some things you can’t change. Those things are simply “what is.” You can’t change that your boss is a jerk. You can change jobs, but you can’t change your boss. You can’t change the fact that you have to pay rent or your mortgage. But you can stop resisting it. Resisting the unchangeable does nothing more than frustrate you and make you miserable. So change what you can, and accept what you can’t.

4. Thinking that “The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side.”

“If only I was as pretty as that girl, then I’d be happy.”  Or “If only I was as rich as that guy, then I’d be happy.” Those kinds of thoughts aren’t true. Just because you think someone else has it better than you doesn’t mean they do. Maybe the pretty girl came from an abusive home and can’t get her life in order. And maybe the rich guy spends so much time at work that he never gets to see his family. The grass is not greener on the other side. So appreciate the grass you have. It’s your grass. So love it.

5. Having expectations of other people.

Expectations can be deadly to happiness, even if you think your expectation is reasonable, such as having your roommate or spouse do his/her share of the chores around the house. Just because you expect it doesn’t mean they will do it. Realize that your expectations come from your personal experiences and biases. They are not necessarily other people’s priority. You probably don’t like being expected to do things that you don’t want to do, so don’t impose your expectations on others. If you don’t like their behavior, either accept it, or move on.

6. Thinking that having a significant other will complete you.

If you are not a whole person already, then having a romantic partner will not make you whole. Plus, it puts a lot of pressure on the other person to “make you happy.” You need to be happy with yourself with or without someone. Having a significant other doesn’t make you happier. Only you can make yourself happy.

7. Feeling that you always need to prove that you are right.

I always wonder why people will fight to the death to prove they are “right.” What’s the point? I think it’s because they don’t want to look weak. Or vulnerable. Or stupid. But I think admitting you are wrong is a much more noble and mature thing to do. Besides, everyone has a different opinion. So why not have yours and let them have theirs?

8. Worrying about what other people think.

Why do you care? Do you think they are judging you? I’m going to let you in on a little secret. No one is judging you as much as you are judging yourself. Other people are too busy judging themselves just like you that they probably don’t even give you a second thought! So do what makes you happy. And if others are judging you, then it’s their problem, not yours. Ignore them and be happy anyway.

9. Thinking there is only ONE right and ONE wrong.

We live in a world where we like to think there is an objective reality. But guess what? Objective reality is an illusion. It doesn’t exist. Only subjective realities do. What one person thinks is the “truth” is not the truth for someone else. For example—who’s right? The Republicans or the Democrats? Well, it depends on who you ask, right? Everyone thinks something is right because it fits their life and the way they look at the world. And that’s it. Period. End of story.

10. Worrying about the future because you feel unprepared.

I love this saying: “Worrying is like praying for what you don’t want.” And if you believe in the power of prayer, then you know that sending out thoughts and emotions into the Universe/God (whatever your belief system) works much of the time. So instead, be here in the NOW. Now is all you have. So be present and stop worrying about the future because you can only control it to a certain extent.

11. Thinking that money equals happiness.

We live in a capitalistic culture that values money and achievement. We think that people who have a lot of money are somehow better than those who don’t. But that’s simply not true. I’m sure there are plenty of happy monks in the world who probably don’t hold a dollar to their names. Or someone working at McDonald’s may be really happy while some billionaires aren’t. So don’t fall into the trap of thinking you have to be rich to be happy. It simply isn’t true. Money is nice, but it doesn’t make you happy. Only you can do that.

12. Believing that the past determines your future.

Just because you came from a poor family, or made mistakes in the past does not mean that you can’t make your future better. If you have labeled yourself as a “failure” because of your past, then you will only continue your “failure” attitude into the future. And if you’ve heard of the self-fulfilling prophecy phenomenon, then you know that what you think, you become. So like I said in the opening paragraph: “Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life!”

I hope that this article has made you think long and hard about the toxic thoughts that probably go through your mind every day. And I bet you didn’t even know it! So start paying attention to what you think, and when you catch your negative thoughts, hit the “cancel” and “delete” buttons—FAST!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fear, Greed and the stubborn ones

Now, we all have fears, it expands differently to everyone. Some are fearful of heights (like me), some are fearful of feathers (very rare but i know people who are), some fearful on risks and some fear of losing. When i mention losing, it can be anything from losing a car to losing someone they love and even up to losing money. What is this fear? Is it something we develop in our minds? And if something is created by our own minds, it is definitely possible for it to be cleared from our own minds too right? Hence what is FEAR actually?

Yes, that's right, False Evidence Appearing Real! How do we overcome this? From my experiences, not only in my trades, to overcome this is to take action..but NOT with a blind action. It has to be planned and structured. I used to be really afraid of water too when i was young. I would really shout and scream when i was in the water. I could remember my instructor pretty much gave up on me. HA HA. but when i slowly grew a little older, i started at the shallow part of the pool and slowly try to kick, or swim or do something to keep myself afloat. True enough, i became better and i started swimming and swimming and now i enjoy the water so much. Now, if i were to let my fear keep me away from the water, i don't think i would even know how to swim now. Same goes to any other fears! So, is there some kind of mental block in you that tells you, "it's tough", "it's impossible" or even "i/we'll never be able to make it? Remember that fears are created by your own good-self. If one can create fear in themselves, one can definitely clear it from them. It's just a matter of whether you want to do it or not.

Next comes the GREED. Also another destructive habit of humans. We humans are never satisfied. It's always a craving for more. One may have a honda, which then aims for an acura or a lexus, then an Audi, then a Beemer and etc. You know where i'm getting to right? It's good to have a goal to push yourself to wards it but greed is totally a different thing. Greed is the constant wanting of something bigger at the expense of everything. People keep wanting more money, they try to do things that are not familiar with them and do things more aggressively. Until to a point that when they can't get it, they turn into darker ways like stealing, robbing, money laundering, corruption. In trading, greed rewards no one but it can kill everyone. The hope of the market returning to your position when it is already going the other way or hoping for it to reach highs/lows that may not be achievable but on paper looks "lucrative"? Again, to stop this, there has to be an action for this where it definitely has to be planned and also to use the word "enough". Yes, this word is very subjective to different individuals as different individuals have different points of view. Some feels that earning 100 bucks a day is pretty good. Some says that's measly money. Some want 1 grand a day. Now, what these people are looking at are their targets. What is "enough" for them. And investment return can only be judged by the investment capital that is poured in. For example:

Lets take the standard Fixed deposit rate of let's say 3% per annum. If you want to earn more than 10k after a year, you definitely can't do that with just do that with 10-20k of capital right?it does not make sense. To get 10k net profit a year with 3%, your capital has to be around 320k-330k, right? So that's exactly it. People tend to get greedy and they want the most (or even more) with really little commitment. It just doesn't go hand in hand.

And the worst of all, the stubborn ones, whom are constantly in denial. "that won't happen to me, i'm sure". That's what they always say. People in this group tend to fall faster in all aspects. Things tend to fail around them but they do not realize they are the cause of it. Instead of embracing what went wrong could be their doing, instead they live in denial or start pointing fingers on EVERYTHING but themselves. They don't understand things happen for a reason, even if it's a bad thing. In trading, if you have a position and the market is going the opposite direction, the stubborn ones are the ones who will lose big time. They will hold on to their trade in FEAR of loss and stubborn to open up their minds to see the reality, the market keeps taking more and more money out of that person. It's the same for everything. For example a failed relationship. It takes two to clap. When things turned sour and it's beyond reconciliation, the next step is to end it and move on. Just like a trade, if the market goes opposite direction from yours, cut the losses and move on to the next trade. This is because, like a failed relationship, holding on to something bad and hoping it will get better is totally not going to happen and will eat the heart and soul out of you every day. Of course there is a way to stop this but that way will be the toughest thing for the stubborn ones to do..which is accept the reality no matter how harsh it will be and then from there, pick up the sticks and stones and rebuild again.

So for whichever the category one may be in, there always is a solution. It's only bound to the question of "to do or not to do?" 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Are you dating a PLAYER?

Ok, to be fair and generally, as a guy myself, I utterly hate guys who cheat or who are players. Since, i wrote about "gold-diggers" in my previous post, it's only fair for me to write about players too so that the good, honest, loving and caring women out there don't fall prey to them. So for the ladies this time, this post is for you:

Whenever you meet a new guy who is super smooth, good-looking and flirty, you probably have to wonder to yourself: is he a player? Is this dude going to be seriously interested in having a relationship with you, or is he just looking for someone to fool around with? Is he someone you can trust or should you have your guard up? Is he going to be exclusive with you or does he want to be able to be free and do whatever he wants?

When you have a crush on someone, it can be hard to see them for who they really are, especially if that person is a player. Players are sweet-talkers. They’re a little manipulative and they know how to get a girl to fall hard. They also usually know how to lie like a pro. Dating one kind of, well, sucks. So before you start to fall too hard for this dude, figure out whether or not he’s a player. It may not be the ultimate holy grail but ladies, you're in luck as I am unveiling the secrets of what many guys do not want the ladies to know. Check out these signs that he’s a player:

1) Your Relationship Is All About Hooking Up

This is probably the biggest sign there is that a dude is a player. If he's all about hooking up, that could definitely mean that he's just using you for sex or a steamy makeout sesh. If he never asks you out on a date, test him. The next time he asks if you want to hang out, say, "how about we go see a movie/grab something to eat?" If his response is something like, "I'd rather just hang in here" (and the "here" is at a hotel or somewhere discrete) or there's no response at all, that shows that he just wants to hook up and use you like a sex tool. If a dude really likes you, he'll want to get to know you and he'll want to impress you - meaning he'll want to take you out and "show off". Well, not literally show off but to bring you into his circle of life like meeting u with his buddies, always involve you in on his favourite daily routines and etc..i'm sure you get what i mean.

2) He's ALWAYS Busy

Sure, there are some guys out there who work a lot or have a lot of school stuff going on and they genuinely don't have much free time. But in general, if a guy really likes you, he will make time for you or at least make a serious effort to make time for you. If a dude is all like, "Oh, I'm busy all weekend, how about Tuesday night?" every single week and you know he's not that busy, get rid of him, fast.

3) He Only Texts You At Night

Another tell-tale sign of a player? He's only interested in hanging out at night or at weird times and only for a little while. That's because he either only wants to hook up, have sex and satisfy his desires or he is trying to juggle a few different girls on a tight schedule. Also, if he ONLY hangs with you on Thursdays, that could mean that you're just his Thursday girl... which is lame. Don't go head over heels when he tells you sobbing stories about his wife/girlfriend is giving him a hard time currently and he really likes you (in a hotel room or somewhere discrete). Those words are just making you sink further into the bait! Here's the logic, if he "really likes" you, he won't have a wife/girlfriend at the other end. So basically, that guy is just using you like a doormat that is always "welcoming" him back home, and cleaning off his feet.

4) Girls Are All Over His Facebook

Time for a little bit of Facebook stalking! Check out who this dude is friends with. Does he have over 1500 friends who are all attractive females? Warning! Does he have 85 likes on his latest profile picture? Warning! Are girls falling all over themselves commenting about how cute he is or trying to one-up each other with inside jokes? Yup, you guessed it - warning! If a dude's Facebook is all about other chicks, there's a good chance you're not the only one doing stuff with him.

5) His Phone Is Always Blowing Up

This is similar to the Facebook thing, but this time, no stalking. Don't look at his phone - rude. Instead, pay attention to how often it goes off when you guys are together. If he's talking to other girls, it's not like they're going to avoid texting him when he's with you - because they don't know how to do that, most likely. If he's constantly getting texts he keeps private or phone calls he ignores, it could be a sign that those are other ladies calling him. It's also the same for cheating boyfriends/husbands where they get calls and texts from their "other half" and probably asking them "where are you now honey? coming home for dinner?"

6) He's A Big Sweet-Talker

Players become players for a reason - they're smooth, they know how to flirt and they know how to get a girl to fall for him. Therefore, they're usually big sweet talkers. You know what I'm talking about: they know all the right things to say at all the right times and their compliments make your whole body blush. Don't fall for it, ladies! If he's a sweet-talker but nothing else, that's a bad sign. Having said that, do know the difference when you're with someone who truly loves you and he compliments you on how lovely you are even when you just got out of bed or without any make up or even doesn't bother about you wearing your pajamas out for a cup of tea. For guys who are truly in love with you, really loves you for who you are no matter what beauty flaw you may have. 

7) Other Girls Have Warned You

Have any other girls warned you about him being a player? It's easy to brush off those warnings as mere jealousy or manipulative tactics to try to keep you away from a guy you like, but usually, you should pay attention. If a girl you generally get along with says something like, "watch out for that guy," there's probably a reason. Maybe he played her or her friend or someone she knows. She's probably trying to look out for you and you should probably listen to her. Of course, look into her claims, but don't ignore them completely. So do not go deaf or blind on those closest to you like probably your own sibilings or cousins that you are close with or even your bestie. 

8) You've Never Met His Friends Or Has No Plans Of Meeting His Parents

If a dude is into you, he'll be excited to introduce you to his friends and show you off. If he's a player, he obviously doesn't need his friends getting attached to you or anything like that. And he doesn't need to risk bringing you around only to have them say something they shouldn't. If you haven't met them yet, ask if you can. If he avoids it like the plague, you'll know something is up. I know that probably meeting his parents could be a big move but if a guy is serious about you, he would want you to meet his closest people around him, that's right - his family. For those of you who have just started out in a relationship, of course it could be a little nerve shocking if he wants to take you to see his parents and family members but if he has a solid plan for that in the near future and follows that, then he's a keeper. 

9) He Disappears For Days And Is Unreachable All The Time

When your guy is MIA, especially on the weekends, and reappears with no explanation as if nothing is wrong, don't give him the benefit of the doubt. He's more than a magician. He's a professional juggler and quite simply, a player.

So, here are some pointers for you women out there to spot players (which i know are extremely vast in numbers these days...just as the same as gold-diggers). It may not be a "complete-text-book" guide but I'm sure you ladies can figure the rest out. And i believe one very simple rule since I'm an active financial trader myself, and it goes: "SUPPLY & DEMAND"

Simply said here is that, if you supply (yourself) to the increasingly demand of players and cheaters, then there will definitely be more demand. Hence, to fight this (at least at your end), do not supply to this demand. If the guy is a known player/has a wife/has a girlfriend, end or stop it without a doubt even if he is charming, handsome, rich...etc..coz that's what they are..a predator wearing a mask. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Are you dating a GOLD DIGGER?

I found this really serious these days and i believe it's a good read up to my fellow men. It's not that we men do not want to be a gentlemen (yes, i do know there are men who are assholes out there but that's another case altogether.) but i believe we need to sieve out the good ones from the very vastly common ones now..the gold-diggers. 

In this face-paced, modern era, attractive ladies are in every corner. Due to the existence of them, you’re bound to come across a gold-digging whore. Granted, most ladies are concerned about your financial stability because they don’t want to waste their time with a slacker who is going to ruin their good credit score.

The difference between being financially concerned and a gold-digger is that a gold-digger wants you to provide for them financially, and would ultimately leave you if you lost this ability. They will bleed you dry and then move onto their next victim. So how do you discern if your lady friend is looking for a future with you, or your wallet? Here are some key signs to look for in a gold-digger.

Sizing Up your Assets

The crux of every gold-digger is the question – how much are you worth? If in the first 5 minutes of your conversation, she has already inquired about your profession, your apartment, your car and your family heritage — you have found yourself a classic gold-digger.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that you’ve finally found yourself someone who is genuinely interested in your life – we all know that no woman can go 10 entire minutes without talking about herself. Gold-diggers pretend to be interested in you so they can size you up and measure your earnings potential – they’re a walking, talking calculator as every question that relates to money is being used to calculate exactly how much money she can swindle out of you.

Pay before you Play

You’ve been on countless dates with her, yet she still won’t let it progress further than kissing. No matter how many times you attempt to redirect her head south, she won’t suck your cock, let alone welcome a friendly motorboat on those D cups.

What gives? Real gold-diggers won’t engage in any kind of physical activity unless given an incentive. You want a blowjob? Get ready to max out your credit card with jewelry, shoes or a new designer handbag.

The ‘pay before you play’ policy ensures you both get what you want – at a price. Gold-diggers are essentially glorified hookers, yet with no guarantee of skill level. You might as well invest your money with a professional.

Personal ATM

Some gold-diggers will blatantly ask for gifts, using techniques like sulking or nagging until they get what they want. Others are quick to drop hints about their dire financial situation – how they can’t afford their rent, cell phone bill or car insurance. Yet – she is strutting around in a $4,000 Chanel bag and Manolos.

They will often position the financial assistance as a loan until things get better, despite the fact that there are no indications of them being financially dependent, as most gold-diggers don’t work. How can they when swindling money from suckers like yourself is already a 24/7 job?

Need to be Scene

Gold-diggers only want to be taken to expensive, scene-y establishments and will turn their plastic noses up at any restaurant without at least one Michelin star. This is confusing since you know she grew up in a trailer park, so where did this appetite for luxury come from? When they visit these establishments, don’t think that they’ll be purely focused on you – they’re constantly on the prowl for someone richer than you to see what they can offer her.

Don’t even think about introducing the bitch to your boss – she’ll be sucking his cock in the bathroom in no time.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Overcoming Impulsiveness In 3 Ways

I was asked on how i maintained calm at all times during trading hours and to trade without feeling agitated, impulsiveness, fear, greed..basically, emotionless. Sounds impossible and hard to believe right? Actually, i would be lying if i said it's easy to achieve that. The truth is, it's a super extremely no-words-can-describe tough job to do..but i did not say it's impossible.

Maintaining calm for me is super essential during trading as when i trade financial markets, these "emotions" can destroy me in a glimpse of an eye. As a matter of fact, it can destroy anyone in any aspect (not only trading but in any daily routine) if we let these little "emotion monsters" of impulsiveness get the better of that person.

Rushing into action can be taken as a proactive attitude towards everything in life. It always feels good to accomplish something. Conversely, procrastinating can be viewed as unproductive and inefficient approach, if it is ever called approach at all. Dilly-dallying has gotten a bad press from all sides in our fast-paced world.

Action gets positive reinforcement. Movement is seen as progress. "Nothing is happening," is a statement that everyone avoids to hear. We are all programmed to always long for a change regardless of the nature of it. When we hear our kids say, "I'm bored," we, by default, look for ways to stimulate our children for fear of repeating those dreaded words.

The world's technological advancement gives us all the more reason to rush into things. It is easy to be impulsive in this state where we have so many options and so many tools to fulfill our desires. It is no wonder that we find ourselves in situations that we cannot seem to control the flow of our desires. We just want to keep on executing actions without proper consideration. This results into consequences that we never really thought about or expected- mostly detrimental results.

I found three simple ways that anyone can start practicing to reduce the hold of impulsive behavior over you. It may or may not work on different individuals but it's always worth a try. Afterall, there isn't one medicine that fits all as it all depends on the individuals will and perseverance to change. so, here they are:

1) Delay Gratification

Instead of charging full blast into a decision, say wolfing down a slice of flourless chocolate cake, postpone the decision. Do not take any action. Leave the slice of cake and do something else. Give yourself a deadline as to when you can actually sit down and enjoy the cake. The longer time you postpone it, the better. Sometimes, after a while you forget about it which is good because this builds your confidence level on your sense of control. As much as possible, delay your gratification. Reduce the situations where you want to gratify yourself. Train your body to not look for these gratifications.

2) Distract Yourself by Changing Your Habits

We hear our gym or health club instructors say to not allow our muscles to get used to the same routines. Likewise, there is always a pattern in impulsive behavior. Think of which things you are impulsive towards all the time. It may be towards certain things like food, shopping items, ideas. Scrutinize the reasons why you like these things. Then, start confusing your belief system by totally changing your habit patterns. Instead of hitting the malls because you are a shopaholic, rent a good movie instead. Or start connecting with a long-lost friend instead of feasting on a pint of ice cream. The idea is to change your usual routine into something totally different, but harmless.

3) Increase Your Pain Threshold

All of the above suggestions would be painful if practiced. It will be difficult. You will go through states of doubt and certainty. Learn to be comfortable with the obscurity of the experience. Sometimes, you will feel a great longing for your old life, but stay put. There will be times that the yearning is so strong, but remember that it is just as far as it is. Let it be until it simmers down. These quasi-painful roller-coaster feelings will only expand your endurance in the midst of a great trial. When you go through the same condition next time, you know what to do.

The best advice, really, is to go the opposite way of where your impulsivity leads you to go. If you continue the journey, you will be led to a place beyond your wildest imagination. You will discover aspects of yourselves you have never seen before. Good luck! I am rooting for you.

Give it a try people! :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

6 Things My Mom Taught Me About Respecting Women

1. “That’s someone’s daughter.”

This is something I will always hold dear to my heart. My father has a great way of putting things into perspective for me. He made me realize that every girl in this world is not only someone’s daughter, but also a child of God. I should always treat women the same way I would hope someone to treat my future daughter.

2. “Walk her to the door.”

Chivalry 101. Walk your lady to her door, and then make sure she gets inside safe before you leave. From a very young age I remember both my father and grandfather drilling this into my brain. I guess you can say our family has always strived to be chivalrous, thoughtful, and kind. But while this may just seem like a silly gesture, the act can really showcase the honor and respect you have for a woman.

3. “Offer your coat when it’s cold.”

Sacrifice is key when it comes to any relationship. I learned this from watching the men in my family live this out on a daily basis. When it’s cold, offer your coat. When it’s hot, offer to buy a drink. When it’s raining, find anything you can to keep her hair from getting wet.

4. “Open the car door.”

Another class from chivalry 101. It’s a simple act of kindness that shows any woman that you are thinking of her before yourself. If you have a motorcycle, pretend to open a car door for effect.

5. “Respect her parents wishes.”

No matter how crazy or loud, I encourage you to respect a woman’s parents to the highest degree. This might be tough for some of you, but I promise it will score you major points with both the family and your lady. The last thing you want is to be in a relationship with someone who’s parents do not like you. Do all you can to show them respect, even if it kills you.

6. “Make her feel protected and safe.”

I know that not everyone is as buff as me (obviously joking), but there is still hope for anyone who is looking to make their lady feel protected an safe. You don’t need to have muscles on top of your muscles to make your lady feel protected. Just show that you are willing to do whatever it takes to protect her, her belongings, and your relationship