Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Several Things High Esteemed People DON'T do...

Having high self-esteem is important. Without it, you’re not likely to ever gain any other esteem in life. The thing about self-esteem is everyone who has a high level acts essentially the same. We all have different hopes, dreams, experiences, and paths, but confidence is universal.

The thing about high esteemed people that they do not let all these negative actions or thoughts be it from other people or themselves hinder them from progressing. As i wrote in my last post about being haunted in your past and making that interfere with your present and future, turning yourself and believing on doing the right things in you will definitely combat negativity down to where it's place is. There is a saying "being good is tough but being bad is easy" which exactly what it is in this world. Hence, pull yourself together, discipline yourself and change your thinking and most likely than not, you'll be seeing things will happen according to what you want. So, here are the things people with high self-esteem avoid:

1. They Don’t Compare Themselves to Others

People with low self-esteem are constantly comparing their situation to others – no matter what you say to them, they’re “going through the exact same thing.” On the other hand, people with high self-esteem show empathy and compassion, but they focus on themselves instead of how others are doing. Be it comparing yourself to your bestie or even your own family members, DON'T DO IT. Each and everyone is unique and special and has their own strength. Harness your strength and not diminish it by comparing yourself to someone else.

2. They’re Not Mean-Spirited

People with low self-esteem bully others. They take pleasure in putting other people down. People with high self-esteem see no need to down other people, choosing instead to encourage and celebrate successes. Bullies and abusers are the ones with the lowest self-esteem and the opposite of high self-esteemed people. They abuse and bully people so that they can get what they want; that is people to be dependent and reliant on them so they can take control. So, these people will always do abusive things such as giving terrible and unhealthy comments, scolding or even physically abusing people. High self esteemed people don't need that as people follow and look up to them willingly as they are always with positive and strong spirited energy all the time.

3. They Don’t Let Imperfection Ruin Their Day

Perfectionism isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but obsessing over making everything perfect is a sign that you have low self-esteem. Those with high self-esteem disconnect from the results and do their best without expecting perfection. If someone gossips about you, calls you terrible names like bitch, asshole, whore..etc, those are signs of people who are with extreme low self-esteem. Probably they are miserable that they have a short and tiny dick and unable to satisfy any women or maybe a body figure that can clog the entire grand canyon and despise others who have a beautiful relationship with their partners. So, never let these low self esteemed people get in your way for they are practically targeting weak people so they can "feel" in control.

4. They Stop Dwelling on Failure

It’s common to hear people with low self-esteem dwelling on all the ways things will go wrong. They’re positive their every failure signals an impossible task. People with high self-esteem discover why they failed and try again. Yes, if it failed last time, leave it there in the past. Learn from it and don't repeat it. Alot of times, failures may not be your fault but could be from your previous partners or external factors. Probably previous partners weren't appreciative or you fell for players/cheaters (wrote about these people in several posts back) who wanted you just for sex but on the other hand you thought that it could work out. So, learn from that, avoid and stop mixing around with people like this could be your first step of getting off the dwelling on failure as highly self-esteemed people always move forward and shape the current future better than what happened in the past.

5. They Avoid Devaluing Their Self-Esteem

People with high self-esteem value their own perception of themselves – they understand that they come first and don’t feel guilty about taking care of themselves. They believe charity starts within, and if they don’t believe that, they’ll never have a healthy self-image.

6. They Don’t Try to Please Anyone

They can’t please all the people all the time, so confident people focus on pleasing themselves – just not within school zones. Doing what makes you happy, regardless of how everyone else feels, is a sign of high self-esteem. Are you trying to impress your peers or try to live to people's expectations so that you can get into their good books? If so, why didn't god made you a robot instead of a human being? Grow a set of balls (for the ladies, it won't be balls but guts) and do what you know is right and good for yourself. Seeing your peers driving a BMW or a Ferrari doesn't mean that they are better than you. For all you know they could be juggling many loans and trying to stay above water with that kind of lifestyle when you are free to do anything because you don't have a BMW to worry about.

7. They Don’t Close Themselves Off

Confident people are always open about themselves. It’s those with low self-esteem that hide all the best parts of themselves behind an emotional wall. Instead of keeping the real you a secret, be open and honest in all your dealings.

8. They’re Not Followers

People with low self-esteem don’t believe they can lead, so they end up following others. Rather than seeking a sense of belonging, people with high self-esteem walk their own paths and leave it to others to follow them.

9. They Don’t Fish for Compliments

If you’re constantly seeking compliments, you’re not confident. People with high self-esteem always do their best (and go out of their way to do good deeds) because it’s what they want to do, not because they’re seeking recognition. If you need to hear compliments, say them to yourself in the mirror.

10. They’re Not Lazy

People work harder when they have high self-esteem because they’re not bogged down by doubts and complaints. Those with low self-esteem end up procrastinating and wasting their energy thinking about all the work they have to do rather than rolling up their sleeves and just getting it done.

11. They Don’t Shy Away from Risks

When you trust yourself, you’ll be willing to participate more in life. People with low self-esteem are always on the sidelines waiting for the perfect moment to jump in. Instead of letting life pass you by, have confidence in your success and take the risks necessary to succeed. Having said that, high self esteemed people always take calculated risk and not blind risk. We live in a world where when we wake up, everything has a risk but in order to make things work, we have to minimize and take calculated risks. Nobody can totally run/avoid risks.

12. They Don’t Gossip

People with low self-esteem are always in other peoples’ business – they’re more interested in what everyone else is doing than themselves. People with high self-esteem are more interested in their own business and stay out of others’ affairs.

Self-esteem is essential to success in life. People who have a high level of self-esteem believe in themselves and push themselves to succeed in every aspect of their lives, be it in business, investment, relationships, family and etc while those with low confidence feel a sense of entitlement. If you need a boost in your self-image, avoid making the mistakes of people with low self-esteem. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.

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