Thursday, March 13, 2014

Are you dating a PLAYER?

Ok, to be fair and generally, as a guy myself, I utterly hate guys who cheat or who are players. Since, i wrote about "gold-diggers" in my previous post, it's only fair for me to write about players too so that the good, honest, loving and caring women out there don't fall prey to them. So for the ladies this time, this post is for you:

Whenever you meet a new guy who is super smooth, good-looking and flirty, you probably have to wonder to yourself: is he a player? Is this dude going to be seriously interested in having a relationship with you, or is he just looking for someone to fool around with? Is he someone you can trust or should you have your guard up? Is he going to be exclusive with you or does he want to be able to be free and do whatever he wants?

When you have a crush on someone, it can be hard to see them for who they really are, especially if that person is a player. Players are sweet-talkers. They’re a little manipulative and they know how to get a girl to fall hard. They also usually know how to lie like a pro. Dating one kind of, well, sucks. So before you start to fall too hard for this dude, figure out whether or not he’s a player. It may not be the ultimate holy grail but ladies, you're in luck as I am unveiling the secrets of what many guys do not want the ladies to know. Check out these signs that he’s a player:

1) Your Relationship Is All About Hooking Up

This is probably the biggest sign there is that a dude is a player. If he's all about hooking up, that could definitely mean that he's just using you for sex or a steamy makeout sesh. If he never asks you out on a date, test him. The next time he asks if you want to hang out, say, "how about we go see a movie/grab something to eat?" If his response is something like, "I'd rather just hang in here" (and the "here" is at a hotel or somewhere discrete) or there's no response at all, that shows that he just wants to hook up and use you like a sex tool. If a dude really likes you, he'll want to get to know you and he'll want to impress you - meaning he'll want to take you out and "show off". Well, not literally show off but to bring you into his circle of life like meeting u with his buddies, always involve you in on his favourite daily routines and etc..i'm sure you get what i mean.

2) He's ALWAYS Busy

Sure, there are some guys out there who work a lot or have a lot of school stuff going on and they genuinely don't have much free time. But in general, if a guy really likes you, he will make time for you or at least make a serious effort to make time for you. If a dude is all like, "Oh, I'm busy all weekend, how about Tuesday night?" every single week and you know he's not that busy, get rid of him, fast.

3) He Only Texts You At Night

Another tell-tale sign of a player? He's only interested in hanging out at night or at weird times and only for a little while. That's because he either only wants to hook up, have sex and satisfy his desires or he is trying to juggle a few different girls on a tight schedule. Also, if he ONLY hangs with you on Thursdays, that could mean that you're just his Thursday girl... which is lame. Don't go head over heels when he tells you sobbing stories about his wife/girlfriend is giving him a hard time currently and he really likes you (in a hotel room or somewhere discrete). Those words are just making you sink further into the bait! Here's the logic, if he "really likes" you, he won't have a wife/girlfriend at the other end. So basically, that guy is just using you like a doormat that is always "welcoming" him back home, and cleaning off his feet.

4) Girls Are All Over His Facebook

Time for a little bit of Facebook stalking! Check out who this dude is friends with. Does he have over 1500 friends who are all attractive females? Warning! Does he have 85 likes on his latest profile picture? Warning! Are girls falling all over themselves commenting about how cute he is or trying to one-up each other with inside jokes? Yup, you guessed it - warning! If a dude's Facebook is all about other chicks, there's a good chance you're not the only one doing stuff with him.

5) His Phone Is Always Blowing Up

This is similar to the Facebook thing, but this time, no stalking. Don't look at his phone - rude. Instead, pay attention to how often it goes off when you guys are together. If he's talking to other girls, it's not like they're going to avoid texting him when he's with you - because they don't know how to do that, most likely. If he's constantly getting texts he keeps private or phone calls he ignores, it could be a sign that those are other ladies calling him. It's also the same for cheating boyfriends/husbands where they get calls and texts from their "other half" and probably asking them "where are you now honey? coming home for dinner?"

6) He's A Big Sweet-Talker

Players become players for a reason - they're smooth, they know how to flirt and they know how to get a girl to fall for him. Therefore, they're usually big sweet talkers. You know what I'm talking about: they know all the right things to say at all the right times and their compliments make your whole body blush. Don't fall for it, ladies! If he's a sweet-talker but nothing else, that's a bad sign. Having said that, do know the difference when you're with someone who truly loves you and he compliments you on how lovely you are even when you just got out of bed or without any make up or even doesn't bother about you wearing your pajamas out for a cup of tea. For guys who are truly in love with you, really loves you for who you are no matter what beauty flaw you may have. 

7) Other Girls Have Warned You

Have any other girls warned you about him being a player? It's easy to brush off those warnings as mere jealousy or manipulative tactics to try to keep you away from a guy you like, but usually, you should pay attention. If a girl you generally get along with says something like, "watch out for that guy," there's probably a reason. Maybe he played her or her friend or someone she knows. She's probably trying to look out for you and you should probably listen to her. Of course, look into her claims, but don't ignore them completely. So do not go deaf or blind on those closest to you like probably your own sibilings or cousins that you are close with or even your bestie. 

8) You've Never Met His Friends Or Has No Plans Of Meeting His Parents

If a dude is into you, he'll be excited to introduce you to his friends and show you off. If he's a player, he obviously doesn't need his friends getting attached to you or anything like that. And he doesn't need to risk bringing you around only to have them say something they shouldn't. If you haven't met them yet, ask if you can. If he avoids it like the plague, you'll know something is up. I know that probably meeting his parents could be a big move but if a guy is serious about you, he would want you to meet his closest people around him, that's right - his family. For those of you who have just started out in a relationship, of course it could be a little nerve shocking if he wants to take you to see his parents and family members but if he has a solid plan for that in the near future and follows that, then he's a keeper. 

9) He Disappears For Days And Is Unreachable All The Time

When your guy is MIA, especially on the weekends, and reappears with no explanation as if nothing is wrong, don't give him the benefit of the doubt. He's more than a magician. He's a professional juggler and quite simply, a player.

So, here are some pointers for you women out there to spot players (which i know are extremely vast in numbers these days...just as the same as gold-diggers). It may not be a "complete-text-book" guide but I'm sure you ladies can figure the rest out. And i believe one very simple rule since I'm an active financial trader myself, and it goes: "SUPPLY & DEMAND"

Simply said here is that, if you supply (yourself) to the increasingly demand of players and cheaters, then there will definitely be more demand. Hence, to fight this (at least at your end), do not supply to this demand. If the guy is a known player/has a wife/has a girlfriend, end or stop it without a doubt even if he is charming, handsome, rich...etc..coz that's what they are..a predator wearing a mask. 

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